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Are you struggling with knowing and understanding your identity or your purpose? If this resonates with you, you are certainly not alone. I felt this way nearly all my life.

How do we reconnect with ourselves deeply enough to have a clear understanding of our purpose and create an identity we are proud of?

In a world of superficialities and consumerism, we often get sucked into the endless loop of searching outside of ourselves for approval and validation.

What ends up happening, is we slowly drift away from our most authentic self and morph into a version of ourselves that we believe society wants us to be.

We lose sight of what’s important and disconnect from our inner being, the truest part of ourselves.

This happens to so many of us and you will often hear people say they feel lost and lack purpose or direction in their lives.

Feeling the pain of this emptiness leads so many to desperately escape those feelings through addictions to drugs, alcohol, food, shopping and countless other coping mechanisms.  

So how do we stop this vicious cycle?

How do we reconnect with ourselves on a soul level and redefine our identity and move toward our purpose?

I wholeheartedly believe the five steps below are absolutely transformational in letting go of our old identity and creating the ideal version of ourselves.

Define Your Goals


Have you taken the time to get really clear on your goals?

  • What do you want your life to look like in five to ten years?

  • What is your ideal career?

  • Where do you want to be living?

If you haven’t made the effort to know what your goals for the future are how do you expect to get there?

Take the time to write down three goals, big or small. Then pick one to begin working towards immediately.

Identify steps you can take to move you toward that goal. Keep in mind, small, incremental changes over time lead to big results.

Focus is incredibly important. Where focus goes energy flows.

Make a habit of looking at your goals every single day to remind yourself to stay focused.

A related post can be found here…The Power of Writing Your Goals.

Be consistent

If you truly want to redefine your identity you have to commit to yourself. Consistency is always at the core of success.

Successful people don’t create wealth and achievements through osmosis.

They have consistently delivered, time and time again, and have honored their commitment to themselves.

They’ve mastered the importance of following through, regardless if they feel like it or not.

Excuses are the enemy of mastery.

It’s been estimated it requires 10,000 hours to master a specific skill.

If you want to be great at something, have a thriving relationship, or an amazing body, you have to put in the time and effort required to get there.     

Click HERE to read more about staying consistent.


Be honest with yourself

In one of my favorite books, Can’t Hurt Me by David Goggins, Goggins explains how he used an accountability mirror to get real and honest with himself about the changes he needed to make in his life.

He was overweight, desperately out of shape, and headed nowhere in life, until he was brutally honest with the person looking back at him in the mirror.

He realized he needed to be raw and real with himself if he was ever going to make a change.

So often we lie to ourselves about where we really are in our lives. We prefer to sugar coat things rather than tell ourselves the hard truth.

The truth hurts, but if we truly want to become a better version of ourselves we must get crystal clear on the changes we need to make.

A great way to remind yourself everyday of who you want to become is to place post it notes on your mirror and around your house with reminders of your goals and aspirations.


Highlight your wins

Now that you have gotten really clear on the areas in your life that need improvement, it’s time to take a stroll down memory lane.

Make a list of five to ten times you overcame a difficult challenge in the past.

Remind yourself of your strength and power to overcome and persevere when life gets tough. You have what it takes to become the person you aspire to be.

Cultivate that strength through reminding yourself where you’ve succeeded in the past. So often, we forget just how capable we truly are.

We lose sight of our abilities when the road ahead feels long and daunting.

Everything you need is already inside of you. It’s your job to bring that part of you to the surface.



Do not underestimate the power of the imagination. Everything that was ever created was once a thought in someone’s mind.

Use the power of your mind to envision yourself as your ideal self. Feel the feelings associated with being that person.

How would you act and what would your habits be?

Now go one step further and create a vision board for your future. Create a visual for everything you want to manifest in your life.

I wholeheartedly believe in the power of intention and manifestation. Our brains cannot tell the difference between what is real and imagined.

If we continually feed our subconscious mind descriptive images and feelings of our ideal life, it will support us in making those dreams a reality.

Whereas, if we spend our time focusing on all the things going wrong, we will inevitably attract more of the same negativity into our lives.

The more we practice getting in touch with our inner self, the easier it becomes to know and understand our purpose. Identify ways to learn and grow on a consistent basis.

What is one thing you will implement today to move you closer to the highest version of yourself? Share in the comments below!