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We can all agree so much of what is happening in the world right now is incredibly unfortunate for everyone.

But I truly believe there is always a silver lining in every situation.

The question is, have you found ways to be productive and resourceful during this time of quarantine and isolation or have you allowed this unprecedented time to sink you into a depressive state?

Clearly many things are out of our control at the moment and so much of our identities have been stripped away.

But is all of that really such a bad thing?

Can you see the blessing and how this has forced us to let go of our external motivation and dial-in on our intrinsic happiness?

In the rush to return to normal, use this time to consider which parts of normal are worth rushing back to.
— Dave Hollis

Every day you have two choices, you can focus on all the things that are out of your control or you can focus on the things that you do have control over.

When we understand that our thoughts are controlling our emotions and our emotions dictate our mental state, we can see how essential it is to closely monitor our thoughts and bring awareness to the state we are in.

The key is to learn how to shift from a depressive state to an uplifting one.

Here are some ideas for shifting into a peak state and using this time in isolation to be more productive and find ways to thrive with all of this extra time on our hands.


First and foremost lets discuss the notion of allowing negativity from the outside world to penetrate our inner world.

Is it really benefiting you to stay up-to-date on all the information swirling around the news?

Everything we absorb from the outside world, whether it be television or social media, has an impact on the way we feel.

It is our job to be consciously aware of what we allow into our minds.

Do you think it would be more beneficial to watch the news for an hour or spend that hour listening to an inspirational podcast or reading a book?

I’m not suggesting you have to live under a rock completely (which is actually what I do), but I would suggest only taking in the bare minimum of information from the media.


Now is a great oppurtunity to spend quality time in the tranquility of nature. Nothing will soothe your soul and bring peace into your day quite like the enchanting sounds of nature.

I have a very small creek and waterfall by my house and just listening to the sounds of the water is incredibly peaceful and calming.

Not to mention, walking itself is therapeutic and beneficial on its own.

Do your body and mind a huge favor by getting outside in nature as much as possible.

If you can watch the sunrise or sunset even better!

Use this time to appreciate the beauty that is all around you.



I’m sure for most of us normal life is a bit hectic. There typically isn’t a lot of time in a regular day for playing games and doing puzzles with our kids or spouse.

But with isolation we do have the luxury of time.

Bringing ourselves back to a childlike state and not worrying so much about what’s going to happen tomorrow or six months from now is a great way to relieve stress and anxiety.

Use this extra time to incorporate more fun and playfulness into your life.

If you have kids, I’m sure they will appreciate the extra time they get to have fun with mom and dad.

This is a great opportunity to be an example for your kids that we get to choose what we focus on.

We can spend our days having a pity party or we can make the most of a difficult situation.


This is one of my favorites! My life coach recently turned me onto the idea of having a peak state dance party throughout the day.

My kids absolutely love it too.

Put on some really upbeat music and dance around for 15-20 minutes.

A simple break like this throughout the day, especially when we are cooped up inside the house, is an amazing way to relieve tension, burn some energy and boost everyone’s mood!


Please do not shy away from exercise during this time of isolation. It is so important for your mental and physical health to stay active.

Exercise releases endorphins, a chemical in the brain that produces feelings of happiness and positivity.

We may not have the luxury of going to the gym, but we can find a plethora of workout videos on YouTube or various online resources.

There is no excuse for not doing some form of movement whether it be yoga, aerobics or weights.

Keep in mind just 30 minutes of exercise will boost your mood for the entire day!


With all this extra time on your hands why not use this opportunity to take an online course, join a mastermind group or take a masterclass?

The world’s top universities are offering FREE online courses at the moment on a wide variety of topics.

This is an unbelievable opportunity to hone in on your skills and become more proficient in a specific area, so you will be more equipped when quarantine is over.

All you have to do is google free online courses and hundreds of options will pop up. Do not miss out on this gift to learn something new and to further your growth and knowledge.

7. get out of pajamas

This may or may not be an obvious one, but I find it to be very important.

It may seem like a waste of time to get showered, dressed and even put on makeup, but I would argue it’s worth the extra effort.

I have been getting dressed and wearing makeup the exact same way I would if it was a regular day and I believe it has brought a sense of normalcy into my isolation.

The way we look typically affects the way we feel. Studies show that the “dress for success” notion is real and how we dress impacts our motivation and productivity.

There is a theory called enclothed cognition that suggests the way we dress directly impacts our mood.

What we wear has the power to uplift how we feel, so keep that in mind if you feel yourself sinking into a negative headspace during this time.

I truly hope some of these ideas for changing your physical and mental state during this time of quarantine and isolation were helpful.

Just remember you are always in control of how you feel. I encourage you to find ways to shift yourself out of a funk and into a better headspace as quickly as possible.

If we allow the momentum of our negative emotions to build, it’s more difficult to break free from those thoughts and feelings. Staying consciously aware of your thoughts will allow you to shift into a positive state more quickly.

What activity that has helped you maintain your sanity during isolation? Let us know in the comments!
