How To Reconnect With Source Energy


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Over the last two years, I have found more ways to connect with Divine Source Energy and as a result raise my vibration.

I began my spiritual journey two years ago with meditation.

When I first started my quest for a more profound connection with Source, I would meditate for a few minutes each morning.

The more I realized just how powerful meditation was, the more I increased my practice.

Meditation is the foundation of my spiritual connection, but I have since found more ways to tap into Source Energy.

My spiritual practices are essential because the more I connect with Source, the more aligned I feel.

When we are in alignmentlife flows much more effortlessly.

We experience less stress and anxiety. We feel a connection with the Universe and can trust in the guidance we receive.

I wanted to share some of my spiritual practices to support you on your journey to alignment.

These practices are new to me, but I have enjoyed them so much I thought they may benefit you.

Here are five ways I raise my vibration and connect with Source Energy.



Also referred to as earthing, grounding is the practice of connecting with the earth's surface.

You can do this by walking outside barefoot, lying on the grass, or anyway that enables you to come in direct contact with the earth.

Direct contact with the electrons of the earth's surface transfers energy from the ground to the body.

This practice is not as woo-woo as it might sound.

Grounding benefits are backed by earthing science and grounding physics, which explains how electrical charges from the earth positively affect the body. 

Research suggests the natural defenses of the body are restored through the grounding practice.

As our dependency on technology rapidly increases, we are constantly bombarded by harmful electromagnetic fields (EMF).

This exposure disrupts the body, increasing our susceptibility to health issues and disease.

Grounding is an excellent way to reverse the effects of EMF radiation exposure.  

Benefits of grounding include:

  • Neutralizes free radicals caused by EMF exposure

  • Improves sleep

  • Reduces muscle soreness

  • Lowers inflammation in the body

  • Improves immunity

  • Reduces stress and anxiety

Even if you are not in direct contact with the earth, spending time in nature has real benefits.

As we are exposed to the negative ions found in nature, our body is able to counteract the positive ions we absorb through EMF.

This practice stabilizes and restores the body's bioelectrical systems, which are responsible for keeping us alive and well.

Increasing time spent in nature has undeniable benefits for the body, mind, and soul.

Healing Crystals


Considered ancient forms of medicine in philosophies such as Hinduism and Buddhism, crystals are known for their healing properties.

While there isn't any scientific research to back their benefits, many people believe they promote the flow of good energy while improving physical and mental well-being.

Not to mention, they are a beautiful addition to your home.

I have become borderline obsessed with my crystals.

I recommend you cleanse your crystals initially with sage to remove any negative energy attached to them.

You can also program your crystal with an intention and then sleep with it under your pillow.

For a beautiful video on how to do this you can watch here.

Crystal healing is new to me, but I have enjoyed them so much I wanted to share them with you.

For a great article that goes into greater detail about each crystal's healing properties, CLICK HERE.  





While we are discussing removing negative energies, let's look at a practice known as smudging.

Smudging is the spiritual ritual of burning sage.

Alternative medicine practitioners believe burning sage can help to release negative energy.

Although this practice may seem far out to some, it has been well established as a traditional Native American practice for its purifying and wellness benefits.

I recommend this beginner’s sage bundle if you are interested in smudging for the first time.

Removing toxic energy from your home may allow you to feel more in tune and connected with Source Energy.

When we free ourselves from the bind of negativity, we can align with our Higher Selves and raise our vibration.


Essential Oils


I have been using Young Living Essential Oils for a few months now, and I honestly don't know how I ever lived without them.

They have become such an integral part of my daily rituals.  

Essential oils have enhanced lives for thousands of years, offering various benefits from cosmetic, dietary, and spiritual use.

The ways we can utilize oils in our daily lives is endless.

From diffusing, applying topically, and ingesting, essential oils are incredibly powerful at enhancing our physical, spiritual and mental well-being.  

Incense and essential oils from plants have always played an important part in religious and spiritual ceremonies, helping participants transcend the trivial and connect with something larger than themselves.

The pure constituents in these oils stimulate olfactory receptors and activate regions in the brain's limbic system associated with memory, emotion, and state of mind.

To enhance your spiritual practice, you can apply essential oils directly to wrists, feet, and behind the ears or diffuse the oils in a quiet space.

To learn more about Young Living Essential Oils, CLICK HERE

Some of my favorite essential oils at the moment include:

  • Lemon/Citrus-use in a diffuser

  • Abundance-add to a diffuser with lemon or citrus

  • Envision-apply to Brow Chakra (in between eyebrows)

  • Frankincense-apply to Chakras

  • Lavender-apply behind the ears at night to induce sleep


Oracle Cards


This spiritual practice may seem far out for some, and I completely respect that.

It's an entirely new practice for me, but I love the connection I feel with the Divine while reading them.

The deck I have been using is called the Keepers Of The Light Oracle Cards by Kyle Gray.

The decks aim is to help spiritual seekers develop their intuition to start trusting the messages that spirit shares.

I believe we are always being guided and given signs by the universe.

Unfortunately, we are not always tuned into the signs we are receiving.

I find this deck to be the next level of connection with the spiritual realm.

While these practices may not be for everyone, I wanted to share what has been beneficial for me when exploring my spiritual connection with Divine Source Energy.

Have you tried any of these practices? Share in the comments below!

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