How To Overcome Your Fixation On The Negative


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Would you consider yourself a glass half empty or glass half full type of person? Most of us have a much harder time looking at the bright side of life than focusing on the negative. 

Perhaps you overanalyze or worry incessantly as I did for far too many years. I spent so much time and energy consumed by worry and anxiety.

Always feeling like the more I worried and planned, the more I was in control. After diving deeper into personal development and psychology, I started to realize this is the tendency for most of us. 

Without conscious awareness, we are quickly swept away by what psychologists refer to as the negativity bias

The negativity bias is the notion that as humans, we are much more likely to give our attention to the negative situations in our lives than the positive. 

This heightened focus and fixation on the negative creates an illusion that the situation we deem as unfavorable is far more significant than it really is. 

Perhaps you know someone who is mostly negative, or maybe you find yourself complaining incessantly without even realizing you're doing it. 

The reality is, as humans we are wired for negativity.

Our brains are designed to keep us safe and be on the lookout for perceived threats continually.

It was imperative for our survival, and thus it is still encoded in our DNA.

Our survival as a species depended on our ability to sense danger and act accordingly.

What is so fascinating is that even today, when no saber tooth tiger is lurking around the corner, our brains are still operating under those old pretenses.

We spend a lot of our mental energy on high alert, anticipating danger and dwelling on the perceived negativity in our lives. 

I wanted to share this with you because I think it is essential to bring conscious awareness to our daily thoughts, particularly the negativity bias.

This tendency to fixate on the negative is palpable and can have a damaging effect on our lives.

Consider all the times you found yourself going down the rabbit hole of negativity without any awareness that it was even happening.

Perhaps your boss made a critical comment of your work, and you fixated on it for days.

Or maybe your friend said a hurtful comment, and it weighed heavily on your mind.

There are countless ways we spiral into a negative headspace and take on a woe is me view of the world.

Remember that old saying misery loves company?

You may also find yourself being sucked into your friends' negativity or gossiping about other people.

Gossiping tends to be a form of connection for many of us. Rather than highlighting the beautiful aspects of our lives, we often complain, blame, shame or judge.

The critical thing to remember is that while we have a natural inclination for these negative habits, we can train our minds to be more positive.

Below are a few ways you can combat the negativity bias.

Awareness Is Key


Awareness is the first step.

It took me quite a long time before I realized my tendency to focus so much on the negative. Worrying and anxiety felt like a part of my identity.

Then it dawned on me that 99% of what we worry about never even happens.

And even if it does happen, it's most likely a result of us causing it to happen because the law of attraction always brings us more of what we focus on.

I realized it was my responsibility to design systems that would counteract the negativity bias.

Mostly we have to train our brains to begin focusing on the positive. It's not just about positive thinking, its about bringing conscious awareness to our thoughts and tendencies.

We have to pay attention to what we allow to penetrate our minds.

Most of us spend far too much time absorbing other people’s ideas and negativity through social media and the news.

Our work is to control that influx of information through our awareness of how it makes us feel.

Take a moment to notice how you feel after watching the news or an hour of scrolling on social media. Chances are you feel heavy and uninspired.

Now try something like a long walk in nature, reading a personal development book, or watching a Marisa Peer video on YouTube.

Notice how you feel after. I bet you will feel much lighter, more motivated, and more inspired to work towards something meaningful.

The negativity bias can take a toll on our mental and physical health.

It causes us to dwell on dark thoughts, damages our relationships with loved ones, and makes it difficult to maintain an optimistic outlook on life.

Fortunately, we can take steps to override this negative thinking and fight the tendency to become consumed by worry, anxiety, and fear.




Be mindful and enjoy the present moment as much as possible. Make an effort to put your phone down more, turn off the television, and connect with your loved ones.

Bringing our attention back to the present moment allows us to appreciate our blessings.

When we get sucked into social media and the news, we are quickly swept away by feelings of lack, comparison, and violence.

Stay mindful and be where your feet stand.




Spend more time in nature. I recently wrote an article about the healing properties of spending time in nature and how the negative ions we absorb from the earth counteract the harmful ions emitted by the electric and magnetic fields.

Soak up the beautiful sights and sounds of nature as often as possible. 


Become aware of your thoughts and limiting beliefs.

Most of us have an inner critic on repeat in the back of our minds.

The more we bring awareness to this voice, the easier it gets to stop self-sabotaging thoughts before they gain momentum. 


Redirect your Focus

Awareness is always the first step, but once we notice the negativity it's time to redirect our attention elsewhere.

I find upbeat music to be incredibly useful for this. Especially during this time of less social interactions, I use music daily to raise my mood and vibration.

You can also have a nice relaxing bath, go for a walk, or play a board game with your kids. Whatever speaks the most to you at the moment.

Just have a few things in the back of your mind that you know will help pull you of a negative headspace. 

Positive Routines and Rituals


The thing that has helped me the most on my personal development journey is my morning habits and routines.

Establishing a solid morning routine sets the tone for a much more pleasant and less stressful day.

I hope these suggestions have been valuable in supporting you to overcome your fixation on the negative and focus more on the beauty life has to offer.

Share your thoughts in the comments!

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