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What does it mean to be in energetic alignment? How do you know when you’re there and more importantly how do you stay there?

What I’ve come to realize over the past few years is that when we are energetically aligned our vibration is tuned into our higher self.

As a result, we become a vibrational match to all that we want in life.

To have our dreams become a reality, we must first match the frequency of those desires. Once we are in alignment our vibration rises.

Suddenly, we become a magnet for abundance, love, and happiness.

Synchronicity abounds and life presents us with endless opportunities to reach our full potential.

On the other hand, when we are out of alignment life is more of a struggle. We are convinced we must do all the heavy lifting and have no connection with the support of the universe.

We focus on the negative and attract more of the things we are trying to avoid.

Getting into alignment requires work and discipline. Unless we live alone in a cabin in the woods we are bombarded by stressors everyday.

Rituals and routines protect our energy and alignment from negative influence in our environment.

Meditation is the best way I know to do this.

I have a set of rituals that I do every morning to keep me in alignment, but if I had to narrow it down to one thing that I find to be the most effective it is hands down meditation. 

There are always clear signs that indicate whether or not you are in alignment.

Let’s take a look at some of the signs that show you are operating from a high vibration.

When values, thoughts, feelings, and actions are in alignment, a person becomes focused and character is strengthened.
— John C. Maxwell

1.You feel amazing


One of the biggest signs that you’re in alignment is the way you feel.

You will notice you are moving through life almost effortlessly.

There are fewer daily struggles or anxious feelings of confusion and overwhelm.

When you’re in alignment you are happy and optimistic most of the time. There is an energy that’s radiating from you.

You feel more powerful, confident, and capable.

It’s not that you feel invincible all the time, but something inside of you is different.

You notice the nagging voice inside your head dissipating and suddenly you have more control over your thoughts and emotions.

Ultimately, you feel your best on a regular basis.

2.You have a sense you’re being guided


When you’re in alignment you feel driven by purpose. You may not know exactly what that purpose is straight away, but you have an inner knowing you are being guided.

This feeling of guidance is reassurance that you are on the right path.

When you trust you are being guided there is little room for anxiety or stress.

Those old feelings of overwhelm and need for control begin to fall away.

You trust that the answers will be revealed to you at the perfect time and that everything is happening in divine timing.

If you knew that you were being divinely guided, and you were here on this earth for a specific purpose and suddenly you knew exactly what that purpose was, wouldn’t you be excited about life?

In my experience, when we are not energized and excited about life, it’s because we are out of alignment and as a result feel lost (I have definitely been here before).

Ultimately, we are not connected to our inner being and are moving through life aimlessly.

Oftentimes, when we are living this way we try to escape those feelings.

It doesn’t feel good to be out of alignment with our life’s purpose so to avoid those feelings we choose to numb rather than feel.

We use distractions and like drugs and alcohol to escape those unwanted emotions.

This is a clear sign we are out of alignment.

In alignment, we feel energized and ready to take on new challenges and opportunities.

We’re mission driven and that fuels us to tackle anything life throws our way.


It’s not about action...It’s about vibrational alignment.
— Abraham Hicks

3.You see signs and synchronicity all around you.


I could fill an entire book with all the synchronicities that have happened to me over the last few years. It’s nothing short of mind-blowing.

When you’re in alignment you know it because the universe gives you signs constantly. People and opportunities come to you out of nowhere.

All you have to do is surrender and let life unfold in its perfection. 

As Gabby Bernstein writes in her book, The Universe Has Your Back, “When you begin to dance with the energy of the Universe, your life flows naturally, incredible synchronicity presents itself, creative solutions abound, and you experience freedom.”

This may sound far-fetched if you’ve never experienced it for yourself, but it is very real and I would bet that anyone who feels they are in alignment will attest to this type of experience.

The Surrender Experiment, is a book by Michael Singer where he explains his experience over the last forty years of his life and the ways in which one synchronicity after another led him to live a life far beyond his wildest dreams.

All because he chose to surrender and trust that he was indeed being guided.

He explains that his role was simply to follow his intuition and do his best to avoid getting in the way of what the universe had in store for him. It was all a matter of divine intervention.

Many people will assume that surrender means not doing anything at all, but it’s quite the opposite.

Staying in alignment requires a conscious effort on our parts to not get side tracked by the challenges of everyday life.

Our thoughts are responsible for our alignment. One of the reasons meditation is so powerful at raising our vibration is because it allows us to reduce our negative thoughts through awareness.

When you meditate consistently you become much more aware of your negative thoughts and emotions throughout your day. This awareness is critical for releasing those unwanted feelings.

The less attached we are to negative emotion the more our vibration rises.

The more you practice bringing yourself to this state of awareness and choose good feeling thoughts over bad feeling thoughts, you will begin to experience the bliss that is living in energetic alignment.   

I would love to hear if this has been helpful in understanding the power of vibrational alignment. Share in the comments below!
